COVID-19 Public Health Crisis

Office Guidelines

Effective June 1, 2020

In accordance with local guidelines for the COVID-19 public health crisis, KLH Counseling will resume in-person services as of June 9, 2020 . If the pandemic or other concerns resurface, I may return to telehealth-only services out of an abundance of caution for everyone’s safety.

If at any time you decide you would prefer telehealth services, I will accommodate you. Please keep in mind that reimbursement for telehealth services is subject to change depending on applicable laws and insurance regulations. By resuming in-person services, you assume sole risk of exposure to the coronavirus and any other public health risks. I also ask that you please adhere to the following precautions to help keep everyone safe.

  • Wear a mask while on the premises. 
  • Notify me if you are deemed an essential worker.
  • Avoid touching your face or eyes with your hands.
  • Minimize your exposure between appointments.
  • Keep a 6-feet distance from others and do not engage in physical contact.
  • Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer before entering the office.
  • Message me at your appointment’s start time to notify me that you are ready.
  • Do not attend your in-person appointment if you are experiencing symptoms of any illness.

My practice will continue to follow best practices to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus. If anyone in my office tests positive for the virus, I will notify you.

Please understand that I may be required to notify local health authorities if you have tested positive for COVID-19. If so, I will only provide information that is only absolutely necessary for their purposes. I will continue to monitor the situation closely and will communicate with you if circumstances change due to new local, state, or federal orders and guidelines.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Karen Hilton, LCSW

[email protected]

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